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Sacrament of Confirmation


In the Archdiocese of Washington the sacrament of Confirmation is normally received by students during the spring of their eighth grade year.   Preparation for Confirmation at St. Joseph’s is a two year process, begun in seventh grade and is conducted by our Office of Christian Formation independently of religious education classes at the parish and school.  An orientation meeting is held every spring for students in 6th and 7th grade.  If your child is in middle school, seeking confirmation in the 8th grade and you have not yet been to orientation, please contact the Christian Formation Office to enroll in the program.



We also offer a basic preparation program for adult Catholics who have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation.  Please call the office (301-539-3903) for details.


Receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time.


Both First and Second grades prepare children to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.  Head Start packets are distributed to children graduating from 1st grade.  An orientation meeting held in September (of 2nd grade) will provide parents with additional materials to be completed at home with the family. There are special workshops and retreats before receiving the sacraments.  Please make sure register for the prograam if your child wishes to receive reconcilliation and communion during second grade. (Special arrangements can be made for children who join the program after first grade).

Sacrament of Baptism


Baptisms of infants are celebrated every fourth Sunday of each month in the church.  First time parents are asked to participate in our Baptism Preparation Program. Classes are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM. 


Adults and children older than 7 years of age seeking Baptism or entrance into the Roman Catholic Church participate in the RCIA Program.


Please call the office (301-539-3903) to make the necessary arrangements for Baptism. 

Sacrament Preparation

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